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Cushion Hitch on a TOOMEY 4000B Scraper and Quick Disconnect hook up to an STX535.
TOOMEY 4000B Scraper operating in sloppy conditions.
The action of the rippers on a TOOMEY 4000B Scraper.
TOOMEY 4000B Scraper - an overhead view looking into the bowl as it ejects.
This is an early TOOMEY 4000B operating in sloppy conditions.
TOOMEY 4500C Scraper loading using teeth edges at speed, typically around 10 kph (6 mph).
Toomey Tipping Bowl with in-built Ejector
TOOMEY 4500C Scraper and STX500 hauling bulk dirt loads at top speed.
Front hitch operation - Bernie Cornfoot custom Scraper
TOOMEY 5200B Scraper being pulled by an STX550 doing a first pass on cultivated ground.
This fast and fuel saving scraper is all you need to finish your day earlier
TOOMEY Scrapers - Functions and Features.